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Jessy m
  • School Grade:


  • Gender:


  • Age:

    13 Years

  • Member since:

    Sep 2022

  • Languages:


Get My Card

Why My Card?


Every time it is used up to 15% goes towards my Higher Education


Every time my card is used if you have turned on the round-up setting you will be charged for the next even dollar amount and the change difference will go towards my education.

Example: $19.80 will round up to $20.00 and $0.80 would go towards my education

Note: up to 9% of all the funding going to my education will go to my direct deposit account and be available on the card that I have. Up to 9% I can use for my Launches or whatever my parents give me permission to spend the money on.

Progress Report Fund



$ 0


$ 1000

I am Fundraising for test



$ 0


$ 1200

Help Me Improve My Grades ...

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Some people may know me because of my book ‘Een hemel zonder sterren’, others may know me as one of the Sophianum’s enthusiastic GSA (re)founders, or simply as a village/city fellow.

At the age of nine I was introduced to the mental health services. I struggled with severe anxiety and also experienced difficulties socially. At a very young age I already lived with feelings of loneliness and being ‘different’. Eventually, at the age of 14, I ended up in a depression and started a series of therapies that still seem endless. The depression has persisted for 6 years and the anxiety symptoms have taken the form of constant stress. Furthermore, I have been struggling with anorexia for several years.

All these words that I prefer to not associate with myself make daily life feel colorless and exhausting to me, basically meaningless. I wake up feeling stressed, am constantly anxious during the day, and can’t fall asleep at night because of worrying. Where my body prefers to move to shake the stress off and my anorexia likes me to tear myself down, my depression likes to see me in bed all day. I know I won’t be able to keep this up for many more years, because I’m burned out and I don’t want anymore.

My Education
Raising money for my Education

I want help in any way possible please support my efforts to save families in need.


$ 1000


$ 5000

Progress Report Goals
Help Me Improve My Grades ...

I want help in any way possible please support my efforts to save families in need.


$ 500


$ 3000

Secured Progress Report

Encourage me to improve my progress report. Please check the boxes you would like to donate for.

Subject Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Literature A+ A+ B A+
Social Science F F B F
Chemistry A A B A+
Geography B B B A+
Physical Education C C B A+
Art D D B A+
Days Missed 5 3 2 8
Select Donation Amount



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